Senin, 30 Agustus 2010


rasanya pegel kalo liat blognya orang maleysa. mereka menjelek-jelekkan kita. dasar gak berperasaan..
mereka semua BODO ! masa udah tau candi prambanan sama menara kembar duluan mana?
mereka kata menara kembar...
apa gak sinting mereka?
mereka takut ato iri mungkin ya sama Indonesia..

mereka njelek-njelekin kita soalnya mereka iri soalnya harta kekayaan SDA kita leih bagus,lebih banyak...

-maling asia

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

love story in the class (episode 1)

pertama kali kisah cinta di kelas itu.....
ceritanya bibi sama kaka.
pertama masuk aku dah ngira wah...bibi ni kayaknya suka sama kaka?
yaa...terus tak liat-liat kayaknya kaka jugak suka sama bibi..
trus mereka tu kalo duduk always deketan....
sampe akhirnya,bibi punya rencana buat nembak kaka...
mungkin ini kisah cinta sad ending dan tetragonis (maksudnya gak slese-slese)

ya...sampe akhirnya,waktu pelajaran kesenian,kaka kan punya temen deket namanya tata...
aduhh..aku kalo liat tata itu kasian buanget wes...tata itu jadi korban mental atas si kaka..pertamanya pasti anak-anak ngira kalo kaka itu baek,alim... soalnya mereka cuma liat dengan mata,nggak dengan hati.aku kan dah lama sama kaka.. waduh.. kelakuannya kayak kucing garong wes...
entah kenapa sejak di SMP ini aku jadi hatersx kaka...
mboh wes..pokoke


aduhhh...apa lagi ya??
ooo iya...akhirnya bibi minta tata buat ngomongin perasaannnya bibi ke kaka... kayaknya kaka seneng ditembak kayak gitu...dia ngira kalo dia itu cantik.. jadinya dia kepedean..
akhirnya bibi diterima ma kaka..
lha gara-gara penembakan itu bibi ma kaka jadi pada dieman...
yah selama berbulan-bulan..
sampe akhirnya tanggal 10 feb. kaka mau mutusin bibi hanya demi cowok yang gak bisa dia banggain.. dia mau ditembak anak laen yang dia suka..padahal cowok itu wes 1:10 ma bibi..
taugak kalo.....
gak sido wes...
terus bibi ma kaka sampe sekarang jadi musuhan...

kaka diputusin cowok yang tadi,setelah 1 bulan mereka pecaran...
kaka nangis-nangis wes egel aku liat anak iku...
trus beberapa hari yang lalu aku nanyai kaka "ka,kamu musuhan a? sama bibi?"
dia njawab "lek aku sih nggak,tapi dianya aja yang nganggep."
alah opone??lha wong anake mesti lek bibi tanya bek-baek dia mesti njawabya sinis...
wes...gak slese...


Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Amelia's ne friend

Amelias house was in quiet place.It was a hilly village,the garden of her house was very beautiful.Flowers with various colours grew there.Amelia grew some roses.She's s nature lover.One day Amelia closed her book.She felt tired after studying hard.She stood by the window.She could see the mountain from was a beautiful bluish green.
"How beautiful.How wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of that mountain without climbing."said Amelia
"If you want to fly up there,follow me."said a soft voice.Amelia was surprised."Who are you?Why did you come without permission?"
"My name is Yuli.My home is a bit far from here.I want to be your friend,Amelia,"said the girl.
"You know my name,"said Amelia
"I often hear your mother calling you,"Yuli answered.She reached out her hand to Amelia.Amelia shook Yuli's hand.
"Why is your hand so cold?"Asked Amelia.
"I haven't been to school for fews days,"said Yuli
"If you were sick,why you aren't in bed now?"asked Amelia
"The fresh air will make me better."said Yuli pulled Amelia's hand.She wanted Amelia follow her.
"Oh no,I cannot go now.I must do my homework."
"Okay,How about tomorrow?My mother will make some delicious cakes for me.You must taste some,Yuli,?"
"Thanks Amelia.You are so kind."Yuli waved Amelia and then she was gone.Amelia's mother was puzzled to see her daughter talking alone...


Minggu, 03 Januari 2010


I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time
Deep inside
It was a rush
What a rush
‘Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way
About me
It’s just too much
Just too much

Why do I keep running from the truth
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized
So mesmerized
And I’ve just got to know

Do you ever think
When you’re all alone
All that we could be
Where this thing could go
Am I crazy or falling in love
Is it real or just another crush
Do you catch a breath
When I look at you
Are you holding back
Like the way I do
‘Cause I’m trying, trying to walk away
But i know this crush ain’t going
Going away

Has it ever crossed your mind
When we’re hanging,
Spending time, girl, are we just friends
Is there more
Is there more
See it’s a chance we’ve gotta take
‘Cause I believe that we can make this
Into something that’ll last
Last forever


Why do I keep running from the truth
(Why do I keep running)
All I ever think about is you
(All I ever think about)
You got me hypnotized
So mesmerized
And I’ve just got to know

yap,,persis buanget ma kisahnya temen ku,,ku punya "TEMEN PENGHANCUR"

lagunya tepat,tapi gag jatuh cinta.dia jadi orang yang paling kubenci di seluruh dunia,gag pernah aku nemuin kebencian kayak gini

musuh di balik selimut

ceritanya bermula kku kenal dia,sampai sekarang pun aku masih temenan sama dia,
gag tau kenapa,sejak dulu,dia nanggep aku sbagai sahabatnya,begitu juga aku
lama-kelamaan,kita sering curhat,cerita maen,dan lain-lain.sampai suatu saat,kelasku berbasis bilingual,jadi kita semua diwajibkan bawa leptop,saat itu aku dan temanku duduk di bawah,truz aku maw ke kamar mandi,abiz ku dari kmar mandi,eh dia dateng dah lah gag usah di sebutin,dia dateng-dateng NYERONDOl ya pa gag marah gitu?
dasar anak apa itu?dia GAK PUNYA PERASAAN coba kalo dia yang di gituin marah kan?
mulai saat itu,aku mulai gag suka perlahan ma dy.dy suka nyontek
ngilokno,suka marah
ya udah deh,aku cari temen lain aja
kayaknya aku dah gag co2k ma dy,masih banyk temen lain.
tapi ku berprinsip"kejar jah prestasimu,spy kmu tidak merugi.yang bikin ku smangat seseorang yang kukagumi"
bener-bener dy bikin malez ku ilang
semoga aku diberi ketabahan dalam masalah temen sama Allah SWT.

Selasa, 01 September 2009


Sabtu, 20 Juni 2009



hari ne adalah hare b`sjarah dlam hidup qw

hre ne adalah pengumman hasil uasbn

dan jengjengjeng







dan t`nyata hasilnya ya geto deh

gak begitu memuaskan g kaya treot t`akhir

dan hasilny adalah 27,70

aku bangga ma fatih dy bisa dapet 4 nile 100

hebat b`arti dy bwa plg 4 tropi

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009


aduhhh bagus banget loh filmx twilight

edward cullen and family is very cool impian qku pengen ktemu ma


~nabi muhammad

~freddie highmore

~robert pattinson

~jeremy sumpter

Minggu, 07 Juni 2009

we will not go down lirics

A blinding flash of white light

Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight

People running for cover

Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes

With ravaging fiery flames

And nothing remains

Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down

In the night, without a fight

You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools

But our spirit will never die

We will not go down

In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike

Murdered and massacred night after night

While the so-called leaders of countries afar

Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain

And the bombs fell down like acid rain

But through the tears and the blood and the pain

You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down In the night, without a fight

You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools

But our spirit will never die

We will not go down

In Gaza tonight